Graham Masterton visited Poland on 18th-22nd September 2019 to present the Graham Masterton Writing in Prison Award and to visit several different towns around Wroclaw to meet readers, and to give talks about writing.

A few pictures from Graham’s recent visit to Poland: speaking at an event; signing books in Dlugoleka; and meeting the mayor of Dlugoleka, Wojciech Blonski, a former basketball champion.

This is the plaque that was presented to the winner, but all 10 winners received DVD players and a certificate and all 89 entrants from prisons around Poland received a personal letter from Graham.

Graham Masterton will be presenting the 2020 Graham Masterton Written in Prison Award in September. The famous Polish crime writer Joanna Opiat-Bojarska will be going to Wolow Prison to give writing classes to the prisoners there to improve their chances of winning.


Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award

In May 2019 Graham Masterton was presented with the BRAM STOKER LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for 2018 by the Horror Writer’s Association.


International Hit of the Year 2019

‘The English edition of DEATH TRANCE by Graham Masterton published by Head of Zeus has won a diploma for International Hit of the Year 2019 by the National Fantasy & Horror Club ‘The Citadel’ in Bulgaria.